Trust is the basis of all lasting relationships, whether they are between doctor and patient, business and customer, or employer and employee.

Health Quality Innovators (HQI) earns and maintains the trust of its clients and team members by adhering to the highest ethical standards. These standards, contained in HQI’s Code of Ethical Conduct, are clear. We always comply with the law. We continually improve our work and the way we perform it. And we do business in a way that maintains our reputation for honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility, integrity and sound business judgment.

All of our team members know they have a duty to report activities that may be unlawful or unethical. HQI has a firm no-retribution policy that encourages them to raise good faith concerns.

Reporting Unethical Conduct

Team members and other knowledgeable parties may click on the link below to make a confidential report about actions that appear to be in conflict with HQI’s Code of Ethical Conduct or that may represent a corporate compliance issue.

You do not need to identify yourself to make a report, and our online reporting system ensures anonymity. HQI will only contact those who choose to self-identify and who grant permission to be contacted if additional information is needed. HQI policy strictly prohibits retaliation or retribution for reports that are made in good faith.

Individuals who make a report can access information about its status by clicking on the button below and entering the passphrase provided when the report was created.