HQI staff delivered the first Maryland Department of Health Project Firstline group training session on December 7, 2021. They visited Elternhaus, a mid-size residential care facility located in Howard County, MD, and facilitated the Introduction to Infection Control and Virus Basics course prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The course consists of seven CDC videos in which Dr. Abigail Carlson explains infection control concepts in an engaging and relatable manner. HQI shared the information and allowed time for questions before presenting Certificates of Completion to all participants.

To request an HQI-facilitated FREE group training at your facility, either virtually or in-person, please complete the request form and we will contact you to personalize the session for your facility. Eight online self-guided courses on various infection control topics are also available, including the introductory course translated in Spanish. Visit the FREE MDH learning management system to access them.

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